Gay bars phoenix arizona

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Hosted in historic Heritage Square Park in Downtown Phoenix, the Rainbows Festival draws a crowd of over 20,000 LGBT friends, families and allies every year. Stay up to date on Facebook: Rainbows Fest The 35th Annual Phoenix PRIDE is scheduled for Saturday, Apand Sunday, April 12, 2015. Phoenix Pride is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and the largest event they coordinate is the annual parade, celebration and fundraiser. But we all know there is something greater too. The main purpose of Phoenix Pride is to promote unity, visibility, and self-esteem among LGBTQ persons, and to provide a positive image throughout Arizona. Parties, parades, pubic displays of affection.

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There’s nothing better than a good Pride.

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What’s good Arizona? Phoenix PRIDE – Photo courtesy of Phoenix PRIDE for a more female-centric, lesbian-specific, lady friendly AZ (scroll down for bars and parties). Why should the ‘G’ have all the fun? Check out the following events, venues, etc. Where are they? Whether for a date, a pick up, or a night out with the girls, you want to feel safe and welcome. HER has done the very important work of helping you get your gay on throughout The Grand Canyon State. And you’re all, Where them girls at… no really.

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